Caretakers of God...

All alone in a darkened cave with only the light from a small candle, Mary and Joseph pondered how this baby, so tiny and helpless would save the world. Yet the warmth, joy and peaceful glow eminating from this child somehow calmed their wondering, anxious hearts.

The night was filled with an electric expectation- hard to comprehend except to say that the supernatural was with them. Emmanuel. Mary and Joseph sat in awe, soaking in the impossibility of this moment...God in the flesh, kicking and cooing before them.

What would tomorrow bring?  How does one begin to parent God?  Will he wake frightened in the night? How does a human comfort the King of Kings, creator of all that is created?  Serious questions and a lifetime to seek the answers as hand in hand and heart to heart, Mary and Joseph became the caretakers of God.

Christmas Blessings to you and may you experience His presence in ever increasing ways in the new year!

Falling...on purpose!

Falling. This word brings back visions of embarrassing moments. Falling up the steps as a freshman in highschool... books whizzing everywhere. Classmates tripping over me and my book avalanche. It was like a 10 car pileup on the highway but add teenage hormones and several "mean girls" to the mix. Ugh!  I remember "falling for" the cute popular boy in 5th grade who never knew I existed. ouch!
Later, as a Realtor, I walked through a dark doorway to find a lightswitch only to fall into the homes sunken living room!  Not the best way to point out this architechtural feature!

But I have also experienced a falling of the supernatural kind. On Sept 11th our country's false sense of security was shaken during a surprise terrorist attack.  My personal illusions of security and "having it all together" tumbled that day as well.  This surprise attack brought up memories that I had been running from all my life. Emotions that I had long since burried overwhelmed me as I grieved for the people in those buildings..somehow identifying with them.

At that moment, as that first tower fell,  I sank to my knees and williningly surrendered my life, again, to Jesus. Falling on purpose into the arms of my gracious God.  But this time, no one laughed at me. There was no pile of books to pick up while my face burned with shame. This time, I didnt fall for a self absorbed popular boy who didn't know I existed...This time, I fell for Jesus. Jesus, who knows every detail of my life and loves me.  I discovered that Jesus had always been reaching out to me, ready to support, comfort, steady and love me if I would have only laid down my pride and self sufficiency and grabbed hold of what He offered to me.

I have found that falling on purpose has been the most significant decision of my life.  Oh, I may still trip on a step or step off a curb wrong once in a while but no matter what, my soul is held secure as I hold tightly to  my Lord's strong and loving hand.  No matter what trials this life may bring, He promised to never let me go!

How about you?  Could you use a hand today?

Psalm 37:24  Though he stumble he will not fall for the Lord upholds him with His hand.

A Good Morning Kiss

I am standing on the shores of Lake Erie in the wee hours of the morning. A vivid orange sunrise has begun creeping over the expanse of the waters. It is quiet except for the occasional sing song of  birds as they awaken to a new day. The aroma of water and sand swirls around me in the gentle morning breeze and I smile, enjoying it's sweetness.
Yes, this promises to be a good day....a "God day".  I whisper a silent thank you to My Lord as I sleepily stretch my arms up to the heavens in a gesture of surrender.  Just when I think the moment could not be more perfect, I lift my eyes and behold a breathtaking sight...a simple cross spread majestically across the blazing sky.  Stretching high above me, yet seeming to bend down from the heavens... a good morning kiss from my loving Savior! 

I Dare You

I recently had the honor and priviledge to co-facilitate a weds night Bible study. We were studying Romans 12 with Chip Ingram in a Bible study entitled. "Living on the Edge. Dare to experience true spirituality." Well, I love a dare! Especially one that will bring me closer in my relationship with The Lord and my brothers and sisters in Christ.

We started out as students in a classroom, seeking to grow spiritually. When Chip challenged us to begin to open up and come to grips with our authentic selves. To actually share out loud some of our struggles in our Christian walk, something "divine" began to happen in our group...

First, We got nervous! One person voiced what many of us were thinking. "Wait a minute I just wanted a nice Bible study, I didn't know we had to share our stuff!" We each struggled in our own way with the questions in our hearts... "Is this a safe place to share?" "What will they think of me?" "Does anyone else feel the way I do?"

Then, in week two, we were challenged with a surrender question..."Are You All In?" We talked about what complete surrender to Jesus would look like. We shared some of our biggest barriers to living a surrendered "All In" type of life. We dropped our church masks, took some risks, and for the rest of the study, "got real" with The Lord and each other. Sharing our stories, our trials, pain and triumphs.

Well, The Lord honored our willingness to be vulnerable with Him and with each other and has knit our hearts together in love...In 10 weeks we went from fellow classmates to a living, active, caring family. We prayed for each other, gave to those who were in need and are going to serve together at a shelter this week. Not because of works but because The love of Christ compells us and honestly, we enjoy being together!

This is "true spirituality" this is the church Christ desires. Nothing flashy, just a bunch of regular, non-perfect people who love Christ and made a decision to trust Him and live authentically. People who took a chance to say "I'm all in" and see what God would do.

He did not disappoint us!

Go on, I dare, will YOU say to God, "I'M ALL IN"?

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in veiw of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This is your spiritual act of worship. And do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world but BE TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your minds. Then you can test and approve what God's will is, His Good, Perfect and Pleasing will. Romans 12:1-2

Interested? go to for more info on this wonderful study of Romans 12.

Stripping Wallpaper

Stripping Wallpaper

Kim Dent

Have you ever had to tear off old, stuck, ugly wallpaper? It's NOT a fun job! I remember our first house was completely covered in wallpaper in every room...and not just one layer! It seemed we would finally steam, scrape and peel our way through one layer and another hideous pattern would be revealed!

Mark and I spent weeks steaming, scraping and sweating to restore the walls in our little house to their original state. Many times I just wanted to give up and slap some paint over the layers of paper and call it "good enough". My husband wouldn't allow it...he somehow always kept the vision of what it could be and he would encourage me to keep working with him...he never even entertained the thought of taking the easy way out...

We eventually got the walls scraped, sanded, primed and repainted. They were beautiful...probably even more so to us because of the great effort it took!

I wonder...has The Lord been after you to do a little re-wallpapering of the walls of your mind? Those old habits, hurts and hang-ups that have been occupying prime space in your thought life, like old ugly wallpaper, need to go! Be prepared, they won't go easily. Those old thoughts, lies and beliefs that are so deeply rooted in us will take honest, hard work to strip them off of our mind's walls. Like the old wallpaper in my house, these old thoughts often have a "Strong Hold" on your mind.

Thankfully, Our Lord knows the plans He has to restore the walls of our minds (Jer. 29:11) He keeps the vision and is continually encouraging you and I to "Keep working with Him" He will never let us slap the paint of religion over the old lies, beliefs and thoughts that keep us from the abundant life He has planned for us. He will do what seems impossible (Matt. 19:26) but we must work with Him! We must not just hear the Word but actively DO WHAT IT SAYS! (James 1:22)

So, are you ready for a fresh start? Jesus has all the tools (weapons) you will need to demolish the ugly, tacky strongholds papering your mind. (2 Cor. 10: 3-5) He is waiting for you to get serious about the business of re-wallpapering your mind, no more short-cuts. He will do all the heavy lifting but you and I must Work With Him! The end result will be a Beautiful Mind!


Tearing down my mind's wrong beliefs

Replacing with Truth!

(Haiku by Margaret Slabach)


"He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way" Psalm 25:9

I recently got into a "discussion" with a dear friend. I had become concerned about behaviors that I had perceived to be a cry for help. I also had unknowingly taken up an offense and "in the name of the Lord" wanted to right the wrong and help my friend to see the error of her ways. (funny, I didn't even see the log in my eye at the time!) I lifted her up and asked for God's help as I set out on my own self imposed mission . Yet I didn't inquire nor wait on the Lord. I had made up my mind that I needed to "speak the truth in love" and I simply asked God to bless my own plans and didn't bother to listen for His input on my idea. (note to self...bad idea!)

Well, I spoke the truth but it wasnt received in love. In fact my words did little more than poke a lion in it's cage and unleased a barrage of anger and misunderstanding toward my well intentioned yet ill prepared mission. I cried out to God, later that night, feeling very misunderstood and unjustly attacked, I sensed Him remind me that even the best intentions will backfire and cause needless pain if we do not first submit our plans to the Lord and discern His timing and His will. He is our guide and He teaches us His ways...which are oh so much higher than ours!

Thankfully we both immediately sought the Lord and each other for forgiveness. God was gracious to bind up the wounds we each inflicted and open the way for reconcilliation. We have both emerged a little wiser and a whole lot more humble...although not without some battle scars.

Oh Lord please direct my path, my plans and my mouth today. Teach me Your ways and help me to always wait upon You!

eating humble pie...


...I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands... Isaiah 49:15-16

Lord, I long to be engraved onto your hands. To be so close to you that I sense your breath, feel your emotions, hear your thoughts and delight in the things that bring you joy. Engrave your love upon my heart so that, when seasons of testing come, my prodigal heart may always find it's way home to you.

Engrave my mind with your truth, Father...that no lie may settle there. May your Word overcome every shadow of doubt that threatens like distant thunder. Engrave me. Let my soul be transformed as you enter into my darkness and flood my being with your marvelous light.

I am yours My King, engraved upon your beautiful scarred hands. Your extravagant love has forever marked my heart, my mind and my soul. I am forever engraved...forever yours.

KD 3/2010

So Long Insecurity!

"Insecurity among women is epidemic, but it is not incurable. Don't expect it to go away quietly, howerver. We're going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us." Beth Moore from her new book, So Long Insecurity.

Hey Girls,
Grab a sister, friend, mom, mother in law, daughter, co-worker or aunt (or all of them!) and join us at Beth Moore's upcoming simulcast; "So Long Insecurity"

When: April 24th
Where: Deuber United Methodist Church
645 Deuber Rd Canton, OH
phone: 456-8357
Time: 9-4
Cost: 15.00 includes lunch!

Contact Deuber church to reserve your tickets now!

Let's give Insecurity the boot!

"And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." John 8:32

Divinely Designed for Connection!

I had the incredible blessing of sharing with some wonderful women from Church of the Lakes last week. Christy and Nancy pulled out all the stops and made the women feel loved on and special with pretty table settings, wonderful food and a warm welcome. Several members from the Church's contemporary worship team were there and opened up the morning with joyful praise to our God! It was fantastic!

While preparing my talk, "Divinely Designed for Connection!" the Lord reminded me of playing the game "Red Rover" as a little girl. Courage, boldness and unity (we called it "girlpower" back in the day!) was never so evident as when my 5 freckle faced, pig-tailed girlfriends and I linked arms on the playground and dared the "enemy" to break through our ranks.

We have come a long way from the days of Red Rover on the playground, but we still battle an enemy. Satan tries to break through our ranks with insecurity, lies and deception. Yet God calls and equips us to connect with the wise women He has placed within our reach. The Lord calls us to "link arms" through our Faith, our prayers, our encouragement and our love for Him which is our super glue! Colossians 2:2 in the Message advises that we be "woven together in a tapestry of love"

The enemy would love nothing more than to disconnect you and I from each other and from God...Isolation is his favorite trick. Don't fall for it! Ask The Lord to show you the girlfriends He has placed in your life and then "link arms" and feel the power of unity, connection and security in Christ! Now that's some SUPERNATURAL Girl Power!

Ecclesiastes 4...Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."

Romans 8:35 says; "Who can separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? NO. In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!"

Red Rover anyone?


Kim Dent

Baby it's COLD outside!

It just dawned on me that perhaps God gives us snowdays so that we will be forced to...
slow down,
appreciate shelter,
appreciate warmth,
and appreciate neighbors...especially those who own snow blowers!

May your joy in the Lord and your grateful heart be a blessing to those who feel cold inside. Warm a cold heart today with a random act of kindness!

Go ahead...It'll make God smile.


He promises to hold our hand...

      God guides us...He leads us step by step, from event to event.  Only afterwards, as we look back over the way we have we experience the feeling of having been led without knowing it, the feeling that God mysteriously guided us.              -Paul Tournier        

Dear Friends,
      As we move into a new year,  take a moment to look back over 2009 and notice the hand of God all over it.  Offer up a prayer of thanksgiving for His leading thus far and realize the miraculous fact that He is lovingly watching over us and guiding us as we venture into a brand new year. Take a moment and consider the dreams within you.  Is there something you long to do but fear has kept you from acting on the dream?  Do you long for more adventure and to see more of God's miracles and supernatural power played out in your day to day life?  Me too!
        I pray that 2010 will be the year that we dare to take off our fluffy slippers of faith, pull on our hiking boots and Believe God!  May we step off the safe, familiar paths and allow Him to lead us into a brand new adventure with Him...Go ahead! Take a step! Your promised land is waiting......
... Still a little afraid?  Don't worry, He promises to hold your hand.
      "I will lead the blind in ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths, I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.  These are the things I will do;  I will not forsake them."
                                                                                                                Isaiah 42:16

Blessings and abundant adventure to you!

Love,  Kim