
     Looking out the window this morning I immediately noticed the small burrow of dirt in the garden. It stood out in irritating contrast against the beautifully manicured flower garden. Two long stems of tangled roots were exposed and laid bare within the dirt spewed doubt the remains of a rabbits dinner the night before! As I think about roots I realize that, underneith the lovely magnolia tree and the vibrant white and red geraniums, twisted and enmeshed below the tall whisps of acacia grass and dancing tiger lillys are the true reason for all this beauty. The stark, unlovely, tangled mess of dirt clumped ROOTS!

          No one would choose to sit and "ooh and ahh" over a display of roots, yet without them there would be no growth, no flowers, no trees, no beauty to behold, no tiny green shoots of hope in the spring. I think about Jesus.. "He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. Isaiah 53:2".....OH but He is our root!  Apart from Him we have nothing. He is our life source and we,surrendered and connected to Him, are the beautiful display of His glory...His flower garden!

          Today:  Seek out and appreciate the vast array of beauty in everyone you meet and within yourself....and thank the ROOT of it all, Jesus!

Kim Dent

Under Construction

     One day last summer, I had to take one of my son’s to the airport in Cleveland. He needed to be there by 6:00 a.m. so we had to leave home before the rest of the world was stirring. As we began our journey, traffic was at a minimum and I was able to travel at the posted speed limit. Soon, however, orange construction barrels lined the middle of the highway. It wasn’t necessary to change lanes or even slow my speed. There was no evidence of any construction work going on at all. The barrels came to an end and all was back to normal. About halfway into our journey, the construction barrels appeared once again and this time it was evident that construction was taking place. There were mounds of dirt, torn up pavement and construction vehicles along the roadway. The barrels now required me to slow my speed considerably and change lanes. Soon I had to cross over the median to travel against oncoming traffic….not something I enjoy doing especially while it’s still dark but with minimal traffic, it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. After traveling at a slower speed for several miles, the barrels finally directed us back to the right side of the highway. Within a few minutes, the barrels were completely gone. We resumed normal speed and arrived at the airport with time to spare.
     After dropping my son off, I headed back home traveling down the same highway. I knew I would encounter the barrels again but was confident I could maneuver through them with little trouble. While I drove along, the Lord reminded me of how our lives are always “under construction” and will continue to be until we meet him face to face. Sometimes the construction is at a minimum. The barrels are there and the Lord is at work but we don’t always see the construction taking place. The Lord may have put up the barrels to move us from one path to another in order to reconstruct some area of our lives. The barrels may show up in order to get to slow down and refocus our attention. He may allow us to return at some point to the road we were traveling or He may have us take a completely different route. Whatever happens, we can be assured the He is at work and He will continue to keep us “under construction” for His greater purposes and our greater good. So when the barrels pop up on the road you’re traveling, don’t fear. Just embrace the construction work the Lord is about to do in your life.

-Ann F.