
     Looking out the window this morning I immediately noticed the small burrow of dirt in the garden. It stood out in irritating contrast against the beautifully manicured flower garden. Two long stems of tangled roots were exposed and laid bare within the dirt spewed doubt the remains of a rabbits dinner the night before! As I think about roots I realize that, underneith the lovely magnolia tree and the vibrant white and red geraniums, twisted and enmeshed below the tall whisps of acacia grass and dancing tiger lillys are the true reason for all this beauty. The stark, unlovely, tangled mess of dirt clumped ROOTS!

          No one would choose to sit and "ooh and ahh" over a display of roots, yet without them there would be no growth, no flowers, no trees, no beauty to behold, no tiny green shoots of hope in the spring. I think about Jesus.. "He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. Isaiah 53:2".....OH but He is our root!  Apart from Him we have nothing. He is our life source and we,surrendered and connected to Him, are the beautiful display of His glory...His flower garden!

          Today:  Seek out and appreciate the vast array of beauty in everyone you meet and within yourself....and thank the ROOT of it all, Jesus!

Kim Dent