Falling...on purpose!

Falling. This word brings back visions of embarrassing moments. Falling up the steps as a freshman in highschool... books whizzing everywhere. Classmates tripping over me and my book avalanche. It was like a 10 car pileup on the highway but add teenage hormones and several "mean girls" to the mix. Ugh!  I remember "falling for" the cute popular boy in 5th grade who never knew I existed. ouch!
Later, as a Realtor, I walked through a dark doorway to find a lightswitch only to fall into the homes sunken living room!  Not the best way to point out this architechtural feature!

But I have also experienced a falling of the supernatural kind. On Sept 11th our country's false sense of security was shaken during a surprise terrorist attack.  My personal illusions of security and "having it all together" tumbled that day as well.  This surprise attack brought up memories that I had been running from all my life. Emotions that I had long since burried overwhelmed me as I grieved for the people in those buildings..somehow identifying with them.

At that moment, as that first tower fell,  I sank to my knees and williningly surrendered my life, again, to Jesus. Falling on purpose into the arms of my gracious God.  But this time, no one laughed at me. There was no pile of books to pick up while my face burned with shame. This time, I didnt fall for a self absorbed popular boy who didn't know I existed...This time, I fell for Jesus. Jesus, who knows every detail of my life and loves me.  I discovered that Jesus had always been reaching out to me, ready to support, comfort, steady and love me if I would have only laid down my pride and self sufficiency and grabbed hold of what He offered to me.

I have found that falling on purpose has been the most significant decision of my life.  Oh, I may still trip on a step or step off a curb wrong once in a while but no matter what, my soul is held secure as I hold tightly to  my Lord's strong and loving hand.  No matter what trials this life may bring, He promised to never let me go!

How about you?  Could you use a hand today?

Psalm 37:24  Though he stumble he will not fall for the Lord upholds him with His hand.